Clojure China

Clojure/conj 2016 视频来了


Clojure/conj 十二月份会议视频已经在youtube上发布,内容如下:

[Spec-ulation Keynote - Rich Hickey]
[Simplifying ETL with Clojure and Datomic - Stuart Halloway]
[Production Rules on Databases - Paula Gearon]
[Clojure at DataStax: The Long Road From Python to Clojure - Nick Bailey]
[ 40k locs to build the first web-based sonogram - Asher Coren]
[Programming What Cannot Be Programmed: Aesthetics and Narrative - D. Schmüdde]
[Charting the English Language…in pure Clojure - Alexander Mann]
[Proto REPL, a New Clojure Development and Visualization Tool - Jason Gilman]
[Using Clojure with C APIs for crypto and more - lvh]
[Building a powerful Double Entry Accounting system - Lucas Cavalcanti]
[Becoming Omniscient with Sayid - Bill Piel]
[In situ model-based learning in PAMELA - Paul Robertson, Tom Marble]
[Powderkeg: teaching Clojure to Spark - Igor Ges, Christophe Grand]
[Building composable abstractions - Eric Normand]
[A Clojure DSL for defining CI/CD orchestrations at scale - Rohit Kumar, Viraj Purang]
[Clarifying Rules Engines with Clara Rules - Mike Rodriguez]
[Overcoming the Challenges of Mentoring - Kim Crayton]
[WormBase database migration to Datomic on AWS: A case Study - Adam Wright]
[A Peek Inside SAT Solvers - Jon Smock]
[Spectrum, a library for statically “typing” clojure.spec - Allen Rohner]
[Composing music with clojure.spec - Wojciech Franke]
[Adventures in Understanding Documents - Scott Tuddenham]
[Barliman: trying the halting problem backwards, blindfolded - William Byrd, Greg Rosenblatt]
[Juggling Patterns and Programs - Steve Miner]


(def link "")

(defn init [url]
  (-> url URL.
      (enlive/select [])))

(defn input [url]
  (let [x (init url)
        y ""]
    (map #(conj []
                (vector (-> % :content first str/trim))
                (list (str y (-> % :attrs :href))))



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