Clojure China

My logs trying cljc in my projects


I was trying to fix my html generator and add a test for it in Respo,

So the test is running in JVM while my code is prepared for Node.js . Here’s some tips I found:

  • Clojure is more strict, (apply half-render args) checks parameters, which does not throw exceptions in ClojureScript, the error was

actual: java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast to java.util.Map$Entry

* Leiningen has some problem figuring out my `clj` `cljs` files. And it threw errors after loading the wrong file. I think it's fine in Boot. But Leiningen is not based on Boot.

* Importing records is written different in two languages. ClojureScript uses `:require` and Clojure uses `:import`.

So I reported an issue to Figwheel

Looks good to run my code on both side though.